Sabbath School
Sabbath School Superintendent:
Elder Michael Bacchus
Sabbath School Facilitator:
Brother Ruthson Noel
1st Quarter 2022 Sabbath School Lesson
Lesson 3: The Promised Son
Memory Text: “But in these last days he has spoken to us by his Son, whom he appointed heir of all things, and through whom also he made the universe. The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being” (Hebrews 1:2,3).
Opening Song: Hymn #43
Opening Prayer: Brother Ruthson Noel
Welcome & Opening Remarks: Brother Ruthson Noel
Scripture Reading: Genesis 3:15
Mission Story: Taking the New Path Sister Danyella Noel
Spiritual Growth:
*** Sabbath School Classes ***
Closing Song: Hymn #163
Closing Prayer: Brother Ruthson Noel
Announcements: Elder Charles Coutain
Divine Worship
Worship Open: Hymn #692 - The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
(Pianist: Brother David Ochoa)
Doxology: Hymn #694 - Praise God, From Whom All Blessings
Invocation: Elder Charles Coutain
Welcome: Elder Sherwane Hector
Call to Worship: Hymn #794
(Brother Steven Wesley and Sister Taylor )
Opening Song: Hymn #466
Scripture Reading: Luke 12:13-21 Brother Pharell Warren
Hymn of Preparation: Hymn #671
Pastoral Prayer: Sister Rubene Jean-Baptiste
Tithes & Offerings: Sister Paula Johnson
Special Music: Sister Raquel White
Children Story: Sister Gabrielle White
Meditational Music: Sister Raquel White
Elder Charles Coutain
“Gain or Loss”
Closing Song: Hymn #468
Benediction: Elder Charles Coutain
Happy Sabbath!