Sabbath School
Sabbath School Superintendent:
Elder Michael Bacchus
Sabbath School Facilitator:
Elder Charles Coutain
1st Quarter 2022 Sabbath School Lesson
Lesson 1: The Letter to the Hebrews and to Us
Memory Text: “For you have need of endurance, so that after you have done the will of God, you may receive the promise” (Hebrews 10:36, NKJV).
Opening Song: Hymn #572
Opening Prayer: Sis. Pamela Coutain
Welcome & Opening Remarks: Elder Charles Coutain
Scripture Reading: Hebrews 10:36
Testimonies: Congregation
Mission Story: Finding the True Way Sis. Pamela Coutain
Spiritual Growth:
*** Sabbath School Classes ***
Closing Song: Hymn #359
Closing Prayer: Elder Charles Coutain
Announcements: Elder Charles Coutain
Divine Worship
Worship Open: Hymn #692 - The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
(Pianist: Brother Daniel Coutain)
Doxology: Hymn #694 - Praise God, From Whom All Blessings
Invocation: Elder Charles Coutain
Welcome: Elder Charles Coutain
Call to Worship: Hymn #700
(Sister Naomi White and Congregational Response)
Opening Song: Hymn #290
Scripture Reading: 2 Corinthians 1:1-11 Brother Brain Speers
Hymn of Preparation: Hymn #671
Pastoral Prayer: Brother Gregory Victorin
Tithes & Offerings: Sister Paula Johnson
Special Music: Sister Pamela Coutain
Children Story: Brother Claude Dallemand
Meditational Music: Sister Pamela Coutain
Elder Charles Coutain
“Victory in the New Year”
Closing Song: Hymn #304
Benediction: Elder Charles Coutain
Happy Sabbath!