2021 May 29th

Sabbath School


Sabbath School Superintendent:  

Elder Michael Bacchus

Sabbath School Facilitator:

Sister Diana Yearwood Lynch




Lesson 9: Covenant Sign

Memory Text:   “Wherefore the children of Israel shall keep the sabbath, to observe the sabbath throughout their generations, for a perpetual covenant” (Exodus 31:16).


Opening Song:  Sister Diana Yearwood Lynch

Opening Prayer:  Sister Jocelyn Beddoe

Welcome & Opening Remarks:  Sister Diana Yearwood Lynch

Scripture Reading:  Exodus 31:16 - Sister Diana Yearwood Lynch


Mission Story: Boom!:   Brother Jeffrey Beddoe

Spiritual Growth:  Sister Eva Davis


*Sabbath School Classes*


Closing Remarks:   Sister Diana Yearwood Lynch

Closing Song:  Sister Diana Yearwood Lynch

Closing Prayer:  Brother Brian Speers


Announcements:  Elder LeCounte Teele


Divine Worship


Worship Open:  Hymn #692 - The Lord Is in His Holy Temple 

    (Pianist: David Ochoa)

Doxology:  Hymn #694 - Praise God, From Whom All Blessings 

Invocation:  Dr. Justin B. Wilson

Welcome:  Elder LeCounte Teele

Call to Worship:  Hymn #777  - Sister Raquel & Sis Gabrielle White

Opening Song:  Hymn #587 - In Christ There Is No East nor West 

Scripture Reading: Galatians 3:26-29 - Elder Charles Coutain

Hymn of Preparation:  Hymn #671

Pastoral Prayer:  Elder Sharwane Hector

Tithes & Offerings:  Sister Paula Johnson

Special Music:  Brother David Ochoa

Children Story:  Sis Gabrielle White

Meditational Music:  Brother David Ochoa


Dr. Justin B. Wilson

"The Dividing Walls"

Closing Song:  Hymn 316 - Live Out Thy Life Within Me

Benediction:  Dr. Justin B. Wilson

Today Sermon Recording.


** You Tube Video referenced in the Sermon

Adventist Mission Spotlight

2nd Quarter


May 29–Motorcross for Jesus

Seyha takes tourists to ancient and historic spots around the city of Siem Reap, not on vans or buses but by motorbike. This unique adventure creates opportunities for Seyha to share his journey of faith in Christ.




Sunset Calendar

Click here to view Calendar

Click here to view Calendar




Ministry of Healing Book Meeting

Sabbath Afternoons @ 3pm

Join on the EESDA conference call no#


Ministry of Healing
Ministry of Healing

We are reviewing: CHAPTER 37 - The False & the True in Educaton

Audio Version - Ministry of Healing




Adventist Youth Meetings

Join Us - Every Sabbath @ 6pm

AY Zoom Meeting Link
AY Zoom Meeting Link


 Call in: 646 -558 -8656