Sabbath School
Sabbath School Superintendent:
Elder Michael Bacchus
Sabbath School Facilitator:
Children's Day
Children’s Day Sabbath School
Sabbath School Facilitator – Annadelle Victorin
Song service – Esther Dzantah, Alexis Dzantah & Lily Michel
Opening Remarks – Annadelle Victorin
Explain the meaning of the parable – Dean Clouden
Acrostic Poem - Gospel - Aden, Caleb, Mc Kensie, Meghan, Adam & Zachary
Opening hymn – Kayla Fernandez
Poem: Planting a seed – Fahyilee Jean-Baptiste
Scripture readings:
Kyle Campos – Psalms 126:6-7
Mya Duval – 1 Thess 2:4-5
Aaron Van Lange – Matthew 28: 18-20
Amia – Eph 4:11-12
Spiritual Growth - Daniel Coutain
Special Music - David Ochoa
Mission Story –Angelo Campos
Poem - Sara Broner - Sowers of the Word
Special music: Zayla Wallen
Testimonies- Darren Warren , Bella Victorin & Mikai Albino
Lesson Study - Sis Paula Johnson
Closing Remarks - Annadelle Victorin
Closing Hymn: Gabrielle White
Closing Prayer - Danyella Noel
Divine Worship
Children's Day - May 1st 2021
“The Lord is in His Holy Temple” – Hymn #692
(Pianist-Daniel Coutain)
Doxology: Hymn #694
Invocation: Bella Victorin
Welcome: Gabrielle White
Call to Worship: Hymn#743 Adam & Aaron Van Lange
Meghan Warren, Madison Clouden
Keanu Campos, Mckenzie Wesley, Nyla Victorin
Opening Song: Hymn # 369 – Sara Broner
Scripture Reading:
- Aden Williams – Mark 4:15-16
- Zachary Wallen – Romans 10:17
- Caleb Victorin- Matthew 13:5-6
Hymn of Preparation Hymn #671
Pastoral Prayer Dean Clouden
Special Music Lily Michel
Tithes & Offering Mya Du Val
Special Music Recording by the Children’s Department
Children Story
Mikai Albino, Sara Broner, Merlande Guerrier, David Ochoa, Darren Warren, Kyle Campos and Angelo Campos
Meditational Selection Danyella Noel
- Taylor Wesley – “The Seeds Fell by the Wayside”
- Zayla Wallen - “ The Seeds Fell on Rocky Ground”
- Bella Victorin - “ The Seeds Fell Among Thorns and on the Good Ground”
Closing Song Hymn# 195 – Daniel Coutain
Benediction Taylor Wesley