2021 July 10th

Sabbath School


Sabbath School Superintendent:  

Elder Michael Bacchus

Sabbath School Facilitator:

Elder Michael Bacchus



Lesson 2: Restless and Rebellious

Memory Text:   “ Now all these things happened to them as examples, and they were written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the ages have come” (1 Corinthians 10:11, NKJV).


Opening Song:  Hymn #330

Opening Prayer:  Elder Michael Bacchus

Welcome & Opening Remarks:  Elder Michael Bacchus

Scripture Reading:   1 Corinthians 10:11 - Elder Michael Bacchus

Mission Story: Guarded Journey:   Sister Diana Yearwood-Lynch

Spiritual Growth:  Elder Michael Bacchus

**Sabbath School Classes**

Closing Song:  Hymn #604

Closing Prayer:  Elder Charles Coutain


Announcements:  Elder Charles Coutain



Divine Worship



Worship Open:  Hymn #692 - The Lord Is in His Holy Temple 

    (Pianist: Sister Hilary Ascalon)

Doxology:  Hymn #694 - Praise God, From Whom All Blessings 

Invocation:  Pastor Andre Ascalon

Welcome:  Elder Charles Coutain

Call to Worship:  Hymn #877  - Brothers Jeffrey and Darren Warren

Opening Song:  Hymn #27 

Scripture Reading: Revelation 14:7-12 - Brother Ruthson Noel

Hymn of Preparation:  Hymn #671

Pastoral Prayer:  Elder Michael Bacchus

Tithes & Offerings:  Sister Paula Johnson

Special Music:  Sister Hilary Ascalon

Children Story:  Brother Ezra King

Meditational Music:  Sister Hilary Ascalon


Pastor Andre Ascalon

"Renew my Church"

Closing Song:  Hymn #348

Benediction:  Pastor Andre Ascalon


Adventist Mission Spotlight - 3rd Quarter

July 10–From Refugee to Church Planter

When Jimmy was a kid, his people, the Karen were being persecuted. He was able to come to United States, and years later, Jimmy is ministering to the Karen people throughout North America.






Sunset Calendar

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Pathfinders Program

Devotion & Classes @ 1:30pm








Adventist Youth Meetings#

Join Us - Every Sabbath @ 6pm

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AY Zoom Meeting Link


 Call in: 646 -558 -8656