Sabbath School
Sabbath School Superintendent:
Elder Michael Bacchus
Sabbath School Facilitator:
Sister Jocelyn Beddoe
1st Quarter Bible Study Guide: ISAIAH
Memory Text: “ ‘Come now, and let us reason together,’ says the Lord, ‘though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool’ ” (Isaiah 1:18, NKJV).
Opening Song: Hymn #330
Opening Prayer: Sister Jocelyn Beddoe
Welcome & Opening Remarks: Sister Jocelyn Beddoe
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 1:18
Mission Story - Memory Stick Controversy: Brother Jeffrey Beddoe
Spiritual Growth: Brother Brian Speers
*Sabbath School Classes*
Closing Song: Hymn #371
Closing Prayer: Elder Michael Bacchus
Adventist Mission Spotlight Video for: January 2–Adventist Mission in Euro-Asia
Divine Worship
Worship Open: Hymn #692 - The Lord is in His Holy Temple
(Pianist: Brother Daniel Coutain)
Doxology: Hymn #694 - Praise God, From Whom All Blessings
Invocation: Sister Paula Johnson
Welcome: Elder LeCounte Teele
Call to Worship: see below (Brother Cliff & Sister Jennifer White)
Opening Song: Hymn #390
Scripture Reading: Matthew 6:16-18 - Elder Michael Bacchus
Hymn of Preparation: Hymn #671
Pastoral Prayer: Elder Charles Coutain
Tithes & Offerings: Elder Sharwane Hector
Special Music: Sister Pamela Coutain
Children Story: Sister Sherwin Clouden
Meditational Selection: Sister Pamela Coutain
Sister Paula Johnson
" A Hunger for God"
Closing Song: Hymn #462
Benediction: Sister Paula Johnson
Call to Worship
Leader: Choose this day whom you will serve.
People: We will choose the Living God.
Leader: The road is narrow that leads to life.
People: We will walk the way of Christ.
Leader: Faith is not our holding on.
People: Faith is letting go.
Leader: We offer more than words, O God.
People: We offer you our lives