2021 January 23rd

Sabbath School


Sabbath School Superintendent:  

Elder Michael Bacchus

Sabbath School Facilitator:

Noel Family



1st Quarter Bible Study Guide: ISAIAH


Lesson 4: The Hard Way

Memory Text:  “I will wait on the Lord, who hides His face from the house of Jacob; and I will hope in Him”   (Isaiah 8:17, NKJV).


Opening Song: Hymn #27

Opening Prayer: Brother Ruthson Noel

Welcome & Opening Remarks:  Brother Ruthson Noel

Scripture Reading:  Isaiah 8:17

Mission StoryMaking Friends With God: Brother Lauson Noel

Spiritual Growth:  ~

*Sabbath School Classes*

Closing Song: Hymn #163

Closing Prayer:  Brother Marlon Dixon


Announcements: Elder LeCounte Teele


Divine Worship


Worship Open:  Hymn #692 - The Lord is in His Holy Temple

    (Pianist:  Brother Daniel Coutain)

Doxology:  Hymn #694 - Praise God, From Whom All Blessings

Invocation:  Elder Charles Coutain

Welcome:  Elder LeCounte Teele

Call to Worship:  Hymn #817 (Brother Steven Wesley & Sis Zanea Wesley)

Opening Song:  Hymn #616

Scripture Reading: Hebrews 11:1 & 11:6 - Sister Brianna Pinchinat

Hymn of Preparation:  Hymn #671

Pastoral Prayer:  Elder Phelix Oluoch

Tithes & Offerings:  Sister Paula Johnson

Special Music:  Brother Daniel Coutain

Children Story:  Sister Sara Broner

Meditational Selection:  Brother Daniel Coutain


Elder Charles Coutain

" Step Out in Faith"

Closing Song:  Hymn #617

Benediction:  Elder Charles Coutain


Adventist Mission Spotlight

1st Quarter

January 23–How to Start a Missionary Movement



Sunset Calendar



Adventist Youth Meetings

Every Sabbath @ 4pm



 Call in: 646 -558 -8656