2021 February 20th

Sabbath School


Sabbath School Superintendent:  

Elder Michael Bacchus

Sabbath School Facilitator:

Dixon Family



1st Quarter Bible Study Guide: ISAIAH


Lesson 8: “Comfort My People”

Memory Text:  “Get up into the high mountain; O Jerusalem, you who bring good tidings, lift up your voice with strength, lift it up, be not afraid; say to the cities of Judah, ‘Behold your God!’ ” (Isaiah 40:9, NKJV).


Opening Song: Hymn #6 - O Worship the Lord

Opening Prayer: Brother Marlon Dixon

Scripture Reading:   Exodus 20:3-6 - Sister Eva Davis

Welcome & Opening Remarks:   Sister Cheryl Dixon

Mission StorySabbath Car Accident: Sister Jennifer White

Spiritual Growth:  Sister Cheryl Dixon

*Sabbath School Classes*

Closing Song:  Sister Eslyn Campbell

Closing Prayer:  Brother Clifton Whitaker


Announcements: Elder Charles Coutain



Divine Worship



Worship Open:  Hymn #692 - "The Lord is in His Holy Temple"

    (Pianist:  Brother David Ochoa)

Doxology:  Hymn #73 

Invocation:  Elder Michael Bacchus

Welcome:  Elder Charles Coutain

Call to Worship:  Hymn #770 (Sister Rosario Santana and Sister Jennifer White)

Opening Song:  Hymn #384

Scripture Reading:  John 5: 1-17 - Elder Sharwane Hector

Hymn of Preparation:  Hymn #671

Pastoral Prayer:  Sister Paula Johnson

Tithes & Offerings:  Sister Paula Johnson

Special Music:  Sister Gabriella White

Children Story:  Brother Ezra King

Meditational Selection:  Sister Gabriella White


Elder Michael Bacchus

"The Sabbath"

Closing Song:  Hymn #388

Benediction:  Elder Michael Bacchus


Adventist Mission Spotlight

1st Quarter


February 20–Surprise Gifts Over the Fence

Jared thought it would be fun to surprise people with gifts. He wrapped up gifts, threw them over people's fences, then ran and hid.





Sunset Calendar





Adventist Youth Meetings

Every Sabbath @ 4pm




 Call in: 646 -558 -8656