Sabbath School
Sabbath School Superintendent:
Elder Michael Bacchus
Sabbath School Facilitator:
Brother Brian Speers
Lesson 3: “All Future Generations”
Memory Text: “But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord” (Genesis 6:8).
Opening Song: Hymn# - Sis Michele Du Val
Opening Prayer: Brother Brian Speers
Welcome & Opening Remarks: Brother Brian Speers
Scripture Reading: Genesis 6:8
Mission Story - God Makes No Mistakes: Brother Brian Speers
Spiritual Growth: Brother Brian Speers
*Sabbath School Classes*
Closing Song: Hymn# - Sis Michele Du Val
Closing Prayer: Brother Brian Speers
Announcements: Elder Charles Coutain
Divine Worship
Worship Open: Hymn #692 - The Lord Is in His Holy Temple
(Pianist: Brother David Ochoa)
Doxology: Hymn #694 - Praise God, From Whom All Blessings
Invocation: Sister Michele Du Val
Welcome: Brother Gregory Victorin
Call to Worship: Hymn#712 - Vanda Justino and Family
Opening Song: Hymn #348 - The Church has One Foundation
Scripture Reading: 1 Corinthians 13:13 - Mya Du Val
Hymn of Preparation: Hymn #671
Pastoral Prayer: Elder Charles Coutain
Tithes & Offerings: Sister Pamela Coutain
Special Music: Daniel Coutain
Children Story: Brother Brian Speers
Introduction of the Speaker: Brother Gregory Victorin
Meditational Music: Daniel Coutain
Sister Michele Du Val
" Sharing God's Love"
Closing Song: Hymn #652 - Love At Home
Benediction: Sister Michele Du Val