2021 April 10th




Theme:  United in Christ

Unity Day for 

Elizabeth English S.D.A Church, 

First Newark English S.D.A Church, 

& Swedesboro S.D.A Church


Sabbath School Program





Lesson 2: Covenant Primer

Memory Text:  “Now therefore, if ye will obey my voice indeed, and keep my covenant, then ye shall be a peculiar treasure unto me above all people: for all the earth is mine” (Exodus 19:5)


Prayers: Elder Charles Coutain

Song Service:  The Coutain Family  (3-4 songs)

Welcome: Sister Dillian Beckles / Elder Michael Bacchus / Brother Vincent Small

Opening Song:  Hymn#348 - The Church has One Foundation 

Scripture Reading:  1 Corinthians 10:15-18  - Sister Fahyilee Jean-Baptiste

Prayer:  Brother Jerry Haass SBC

Opening Remarks:  Sister Stephanie Medley

Special Music:  Sister Ola Daves

Mission StoryDrive-by Shooting: Sister Thelma Sutherland

Spiritual Growth:  Brother Brian Speers

Special Music:  Sister Shana Clark

*Lesson Study* - Elders from the Churches

Closing Remarks:  Sister Natalie George

Closing Song: Hymn#347 - Built On the Rock 

Closing Prayer:  Brother Horace Bell


Personal Ministry:  Sister Dorothy Salmon

Announcements:  Sister Bridget Butts




Divine Worship


Song Service:  The Anson Family

 Introit: The Anson Family

Invocation:  Elder LeCounte Teele

Welcome:  Sister Paula Johnson

Health Nugget:  Elder Anderson

Call to Worship:  *  (Elder Evelyn Richards & Elder Charles Coutain)

Opening Song:  Hymn #518 - Standing on the Promises  - The Anson Family

Scripture Reading: Romans 8:28-31 - Elder Edred Bien-Aime

Prelude to Prayer:  The Anson Family

Intercessory Prayer:  Elder Glen Anson

Response to Prayer:  The Anson Family

Tithes & Offerings:  Elder Glenda Emmons

Instrumental Special Music:  Sister Hillary Ascalon

Children Story:  Sister Daphne Tingling

Introduction of Speaker:  Pastor Andre Ascalon

Song of Meditation:  Elder Darrell Braxton


Pastor Mario Thorp

" Jesus The Storm Breaker"

Closing Song:  Hymn #508 - Anywhere with Jesus - The Anson Family

Benediction:  Elder Sharwane Hector


"United in Christ"

Sabbath School begins at 9AM


 - Meeting ID:  490 091 0430
 - Passcode: 126703


Call in using numbers:

929-205-6099  OR


 - Meeting ID:  490 091 0430

 - Passcode: 126703